Zedra, a young woman living on the outskirts of the kingdom she once protected, is summoned to come back. At her former captain's request, she represents him and the Knights of S at the most recent celebratory event hosted by Princesa Palua. When disaster strikes, it's up to Zedra and the help of the obnoxious Palua to save the kingdom. Will they be able to put their differences aside to save the people of Solacío or will their stubbornness and selfish wishes destroy the fate of their kingdom and their futures?


The Knight and the Princesa is an interactive fiction, fantasy-adventure game where you will have to help Zedra make tough choices, fight giant green monsters, and deal with difficulties in a time of uncertainty.


  • Play as Zedra and choose the choices you think she should take
  • Travel through various lands
  • Multiple endings
  • Sounds and graphics